SOLD – Chippewa Co Farmland Auction – 160 Total Surveyed Acres of Quality Farmland in Mandt Twp Being Sold in 2 Parcels – Auction on Tuesday, Nov 19th, 2024 at 1 PM
Live Auction with an Online Bidding Option
Parcel 1: 80.14 Surveyed Acres, 72.80+/- Tillable (FSA) Acres, 0.85 CRP Acres, CPI=90.2, located in the S1/2 of the SE1/4, Section 17, Twp 119, Range 40. (PID #10-017-4300)
Parcel 2: 79.86 Surveyed Acres, 77.21+/- Tillable (FSA) Acres, CPI=70.8, located in the N1/2 of the NW1/4, Section 33, Twp 119, Range 40. (PID #10-033-2100)
Both parcels located in Mandt Twp, Chippewa Co.
Land Location: from Montevideo: Take MN-29 north 11 miles to MN-29/MN-40, turn east & drive 1/2 mile to the SW corner of Parcel 1 (north side of the road). Continue east to 50th Ave & go two miles south to the NW corner of Parcel 2 (east side of the road). Watch for auction signs.
• Both Parcels Have Private Tile
• Parcel 1 Has an Open Ditch Along SE’ly Boundary Line
• Parcel 2 Has County Tile
• Great Access to Fields
• The Land Has Been Surveyed
• Possession Immediately After Closing
• Live Auction with an Online Bidding Option
Auction Location: Montevideo VFW, 570 S 1st St, Montevideo, MN. (Live Auction with an Online Bidding Option.)
Arnold & Eileen Nokleby Family Farm, Owners; Arnold Nokleby Trust, Owner
Auctioneer’s Note: The Fladeboe Land Team is pleased to present the Nokleby Family Farmland for sale by auction. This land has been owned by the Nokleby family since 1910. Arnie lived most of his life on the family farm, and it was important to him to be a good steward of the land. The family has decided that the time has come for another family to enjoy the benefits of these quality parcels. This will be a live auction with an online bidding option. You will have the opportunity to buy one or both parcels. You won’t want to miss this rare opportunity to bid on these quality farmland parcels.
Auction Terms: The successful bidder(s) will pay down $40,000 per parcel as earnest money on auction day in the form of a cashier’s check. The non-refundable check should be made out to Fladeboe Land Trust Account. The successful bidder(s) will enter into a non-contingent, ASIS purchase agreement on auction day. Buyer’s premium will apply. Final price will be calculated by the number of deeded acres as per the survey. Closing(s) will be executed on or before December 27th, 2024, with attorney Janice Nelson, in Montevideo, MN. Announcements made auction day take precedence over printed material.
Call or text Kristine with any questions you may have at 320-212-9379 or email her at or call Glen at 651-208-3262 or email him at

Kristine Fladeboe Duininck
Fladeboe Land
Willmar Office:
1700 Technology Drive, Suite 201
Willmar, MN 56201
Email Kristine